Last edit: 02.09
Please comment with your request. Reasonable requests will get listed here.
Current TODOs:
-Update Wiki from V2.11 to V2.14
-Merge / sort strategy pages (Terran has ~4 at the moment)
-NoSpawner structure / NoSpawner Unit Template for Zerg
-Unit Template for Terran
-Horizontal linking between pages
-Create page for each unit
-new page: Build order(s)
-Replace all "??" and "?CHECK?" with sensible data
-Add infoboxes to all unit page
-Add infobox to all structure pages
-repair broken structure infoboxes (e.g. on Barracks, Power Pylon, etc.)
-Wikipedia is missing space for discussions (a forum, or the like)
-Terran Structures, main description and infoboxes
-Spawner structure / Spawner Unit Template for Zerg
-Patch Notes Page
-Rewrite Mainpage
-Upload Photos for any belongs
-Introduce icons for Infoboxes
-Request help from community
-Terran Structure Pages
-Introduce first Templates
-move balance discussions away from strategy pages
-Guideline page